Payment Methods
Payment FAQs
1.What methods of payment are accepted?
We currently accept PayPal / Bank Remittance/ Western Union as methods of payment. We are working towards accepting credit card payments directly in future. Please check with us soon for any further updates. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2.How do I pay using PayPal?
Once you have submitted your order, you will be taken directly to the PayPal website where you can sign in and make a payment for your order through PayPal. Please note you have a 48 hour window where you must complete this process. Alternatively, you can also navigate to My Account > Orders, click on your order and make your payment.
3.How do I know my payment has been successful?
Once you have paid for your order through PayPal, a notification email will be sent to confirm your successful payment.
4.How do I use a coupon?
If you have a Gift Certificate, you are able to use it when completing your order. Once you have entered your Gift Certificate code, click ‘Check’ to validate the code you have entered is correct. The coupon discount amount should be applied to your order once validated in our system. Please note: you may only use one coupon per order.